First off, I should admit that I'm a dinosaur. Not literally, mind you, just in the sense that I never have go tthe hang of some of the technology my kids use like they were born to it.
I guess there were. Born to it, that is.
For example, though i know and can use my mac with ease, cell phones and cameras confound me.
Particularly cameras. I have never mastered the art of holding it at arms length and snapping those candid shots everyone under 30 seems to do so well. And the settings confuse me to no end. Give me my old Nikon F3 SLR with auto drive any day.
So, my apologies for the less than perfect shots. You add excitement, nervousness, and a general anxiousness at 'not screwing up the pictures,' and ......well, I screwed up.
But not always...........
Frank was an absolute delight to watch on the red carpet - he seemed truly joyful, and i got the distinct feeling part of that joy came from being able to make so many people/fans happy. His smile was infectious and lit up the entire body of people. One of those 100 watt smiles.
Frank, thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you've done on behalf of the fans. You are a 'redwood amongst sprouts.'

And thank you Chris. The fans know how much you lobbied and fought to give us IWTB. The movie, like the entire X Files series, is something to be seen again and again as it is the only way to glean the deeper meaning, and the ferret out the secrets layered within the images and dialogue. There is a reason we watch episodes over and over again.
Okay, this is here because David walked over from his hotel.....and this is one example of 'I thought i got lots of shots of him,' but between the glare of the sun, and my contacts, I couldn't see what I was doing.
Oh, and that whole anxious/nervous thing.
And Gillian arrived via a large SUV, beautiful in her aubergine gown. Seeing the SUV pull up made it very 'ET/Hollywood red carpet-ish for me.'
Chris and Frank.
As if I need to tell you that!
And this dinosaur must now take a very patient dog for his morning run.